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Cod produs: S0891201122
Pret: 1.322,00 RON / buc
Smaraldele sunt pietre prețioase fascinante. Ele au cel mai frumos, mai intens și mai strălucitor verde care poate fi imaginat: Verde smarald. Atunci când sunt de cea mai bună calitate, smaraldele fine sunt chiar mai valoroase decât diamantele.
Innumerable fantastic stories have risen around this magnificent gem. The Incas and Aztecs of South America, where the best Emeralds are still found at present times, regarded the Emerald as a holy gemstone. However, the oldest known finds made once were probably near the Red Sea in Egypt. Having said that, these gemstone mines were exploited by Egyptian pharaohs as early as 3000 - 1500 B.C.
Diametru 4mm x 6 mm; Lungime 38 cm: | culoare, verde |